Collection: Rings in Silver

Ein Fidget Ring, auch bekannt als Anxiety Ring, Spinner Ring, Anti-Stress-Ring, Anti-Angst-Ring, Sorgenring oder Worry Ring, zeichnet sich besonders durch seine beweglichen Elemente aus.

Anxiety Ringe wurden entwickelt, um dir bei der Bewältigung von Stress, Angstzuständen und nervösem Verhalten zu helfen. Durch das Drehen oder Spielen mit den Glasperlen kannst du deine Aufmerksamkeit von unangenehmen Gedanken oder Nervosität ablenken. Anxiety Ringe sind auch ideal für alle, die an ihren Fingern knibbeln oder an ihren Fingernägel kauen.

Mehr erfahren, wie ein Fidget Ring dir helfen kann

self love club. fidget ring by crafty care. take care of yourself

Why Fidget Rings / Anxiety Rings?

Stress management: Fidget rings offer a way to relieve tension in stressful situations. Whether during exams or social activities, the moving beads provide tactile stimulation to your fingers and can direct your thoughts to the here and now.

When someone is having a panic attack, energy can often feel pent up. With an Anxiety Ring, you have a discreet tool for sensory stimulation. Playing with the beads can distract you and focus on a physical action.

Skin picking & nail biting: For anyone who picks at their fingers or bites their nails, anxiety rings can offer an alternative way to keep their restless fingers occupied. The sensory stimulation of the anxiety ring, whether by turning, moving or touching the beads, can distract from the craving.

Dealing with inner restlessness and fears: Anxiety rings can provide discreet support for inner restlessness and nervous habits without others knowing about it. Inner restlessness can become a constant companion, especially during the menopause.

ADD / ADHD in adults and children: People with ADD and ADHD often experience inner restlessness. Fidget rings can offer a discreet way to engage in physical activity without disturbing others. The tactile stimulation from the moving beads can serve as a distraction. Unobtrusive and practical, fidget rings accompany you through your day.

What helps in the end depends on the individual and is often a combination of different methods. Fidget rings can be one of them. You can find out what helps you best by trying out different approaches. It may also be advisable to get professional help and support.

  • Anxiety Ring: filigran, dezent, diskret, unauffällig, leicht. Gegen innere Unruhe, Stress, Nervösität

    Particularly fine & light

    A subtle way to guide restless fingers.

  • Anxiety Ring Fidget Toy: stabil, robust, hochwertig, lange Haltbarkeit. Gegen Stress, Anspannung, innere Unruhe, Skin Picking und Nägelkauen

    Stable & Robust

    High quality fidget ring, no annoying snagging like with an open adjustable ring.

  • Anxiety Ring. Handgefertigt in Stuttgart. Jeder Ring wird von mir persönlich handgefertigt und danach mit 999er Feingold vergoldet. Wasserfest

    Handmade in Germany

    Each ring is handmade by me personally in Stuttgart and then gold-plated with 999 fine gold.

  • Statt Einheitsgrößen erhältst du Ringe in maßgeschneiderte Ringgröße für den optimalen Komfort. Fidget Ring Anxiety Ring Stress Anspannung

    Custom Ring Size

    Instead of one size fits all, you get rings in all sizes for optimal comfort and an ideal wearing experience. Special sizes are part of the standard range at Crafty Care 🌈